Sunday, May 16, 2010

Leaving on a jet plane...

In the morning I'll be getting on a bus to Atlanta... Where I'll board a plane to begin my trek to Cairo, Egypt.

Is this real life? Sure, seeing the pyramids and climbing Mt. Sinai. are both on my bucket list, but I honestly didn't think I'd get to do them for quite some time, if ever. Yet, here I am. About to set out on an adventure of a lifetime... Add in two of my closest friends and there's bound to be some misadventures too.

Early morning and a looooong day ahead so I'm gonna hit the hay :)

Oh, and to close out... I'm gonna post a sonnet to the Passport agency in honor of receiving my passport this morning.

An Ode to the Passport Agency:

Passport, passport oh where could you be?
They act like you're made from gold
when it's really just trees!

Passport, passport I just want to leave.
So I can go to the land of dead Kings
And kitties that don't skeet!

Miss Passport Agency Help Center Lady,
I've memorized the steps it takes to hear your voice
You tell me I have no choice
But to freak out and cry
Can't you at least try?

Routine? Expedite? Overnite?
I feel like I'm Tom Hanks with no Wilson
Just let me go to Egypt to meet Australians

Waited outside the FedEx today
Creeper status but hey
Guess who has her passport?
This chick.
Take that Passport Agency Trick.

انظر يا أمريكا
see ya America,

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