Congratulations to me! I have completed the first step to becoming a grown up: Graduating from COLLEGE. That's right. I've got that B.A. degree (quite fitting if i do say so myself) and I'm ready to take on the world. With that comes the reality that I have absolutely no idea where I will be going from here. I can go anywhere, and do anything. Well, not anything because there's only so much you can do with a degree in psychology and a certification in NOTHING. Alas, it's a refreshing feeling to not have a plan for once. So my next series for this blog will be exploring my options as a recently hatched adult.
I'll start with the wretched evil called Job Hunting. That whore we are all cheating on our hobbies and friends with. With unemployment rates at an all-time high, I probably should've chosen to just stay in college for another 10 years or so... You know, to let the economy balance back out. Luckily for me there is no shortage in kids that need social workers/case workers (sad truth). Unfortunately for me, most of those positions require a Master's degree. I knew school would come tap me on the shoulder and remind me that it will always be there to take more money from me and accept more student loan debt accumulating on my credit report.
I've applied for MANY jobs. I say many because I don't want to depress myself with the lack of responses I have had in the last two weeks. BUT fret not, I did receive a rejection. The first rejection of my life. This is a concept I'm going to need to get used to because I've never had to face it head on. I've never been picked last in kickball. I've always made the team and got the office in a club that I wanted. And I never tried something I completely failed at. I'm leaving singing out of this because I can mimic pitches, so I'm sure I can sing somewhere deep, deep down in my subconscious. Speaking of subconscious, I had a dream the other night that I was fluent in ASL... too bad Dream Sierra thought the sign for "fine" was "I'm sorry"... but the dream deaf person I was signing to seemed to understand what I was saying... that's neither here nor there.
After rejection 1, I expected them to come rolling in by the email box full. I've received exactly 0 emails. So tomorrow begins the calls to human resource offices, hiring managers, and grandmothers when I need encouragement to keep going. Wish me luck, but not too much because then I may actually have to decide between two jobs and we all know that I am incapable to making a decision when faced with the opportunity.
Proverbs 3:5-6. My mantra for these next few months. Lord, be with me... A LOT.
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